The housing situation is totally unsustainable

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The housing situation is totally unsustainable

The housing situation is totally unsustainable

The housing situation is totally unsustainable in Santa Cristina d'Aro and Sant Feliu de Guíxols

According to data published by the Diario de Girona extracted from the Idealista real estate portal, in the province of Girona the availability of rental housing it has decreased by more than 30% in relation to the existing offer in 2019,

If we focus on our population of Santa Cristina d'Aro, the supply of rental housing is zero, and in the neighboring population of Sant Feliu de Guíxols it is practically non-existent, the little that exists is at prices that are unaffordable for the majority of people seeking housing. rent.

This serious situation cannot be forgotten by the public administrations, the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Town Halls of our towns.

At no recent time in our history, the availability of housing had not been a problem for the population.

It is not possible to incur in more contradictions, it is a frivolity of the administrations to opt for urban degrowth policies and support certain campaigns of environmental groups that put pressure on the municipalities not to develop new land.

The current situation is totally unsustainable, it has to be possible to develop soils that compact the population centers, as it would have to be in Santa Cristina d'Aro. And it will be necessary to study formulas that increase housing densities, or that the administration reduces the costly urban charges to obtain housing that adapts to the demand of the majority of people. You have to act now.

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