

Finques Santa Cristina S.L. - Immo el Portalet is represented by Real Estate Agents registered by the College of Real Estate Agents of Catalonia under AICAT nº 1763. Professionals in the property sector with over twenty years of experience with real estte offices in Santa Cristina d'Aro and Sant Feliu de Guíxols.  

Will provide you with all the advice needed for the legal, urbanistic and commercial aspects of a correct purchase concerning your property or rental. In the web page you will find all the detailed information about the properties for sale, Plots of land, houses with garden, apartments, new building projects in the Costa Brava, Spain, Santa Cristina d'Aro, Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Castell-Platja d'Aro, Llagostera. Finques Santa Cristina S.L. - Immo el Portalet  also offers complementary services to property owners for the obtention of occupancy certificates, energetic certificates, urban procedures, management and advice on projects, contracting and the follow-up of building and refurbishing. Other services include maintenance jobs, cleaning of houses, gardening, clearing plots of land, etc.