New Urban Plan Santa Cristina d'Aro

New Urban Plan Santa Cristina d'Aro

New Urban Plan Santa Cristina d'Aro

New Urban Plan Santa Cristina d'Aro

A few days ago the Santa Cristina d'Aro City Council approved the Municipal Urban Planning Plan, which will shape the town model in the coming years. Because of what has been said both in the Diario de Girona and in Punt Avui, the groups that have given their full support are inclined towards degrowth. This can be verified in the documents that make up the new provisionally approved POUM and that can be consulted on the website of the Santa Cristina d'Aro City Council.

When talking about decrease, declassification, etc., it seems that a merit is made, as if it were a fashion of the things that now touch and do not touch. Preserving the landscape, caring for the environment, most of us agree. Now, we have to find where the balance is so that everyone who has to access a home to rent or buy, be it a flat or a house, can find it and at a price within the margins that allow the rents in the area. .

This situation of degrowth leads all those involved in the approval of the POUM, politicians, editors and the urban commission to a great contradiction, they are committed to degrowth but at the same time they are all knowledgeable and are concerned about the needs that there are to have. affordable housing but do not provide an answer or solution.

The reality that we have at the moment in Santa Cristina d'Aro is that there are practically no multi-family homes available, apartments for rent and the few apartments that come up for sale have increased the price by more than 15% in one year. As for the land for single-family homes, it is practically exhausted and the price in the last year has increased by more than 20% per m².

The situation is worrisome in our area where the population in Sant Feliu de Guíxols has exceeded 23,000 inhabitants and in Santa Cristina d'Aro we have reached 5,600 inhabitants. We will see who will solve this problem.

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